While that's been the hope and the unanswered prayer of the modern Olympic movement, it is not the reality.
Mike - 10 hours ago Is this the same guy who sang "unanswered prayers" and then divorced his wife?
They walk miles to hear the Word in small pastel churches, a remarkably devout people for a place with so many unanswered prayers.
Unanswered Prayers...it was never meant for the 2 of them to be.
Hannah couldn't count the empty wishes, the unanswered prayers.
Gabriel glanced at the stack of unanswered prayers piling up on his desk and nodded.
Most, he assumed, were sightseers rather than potential travelers; the train a distraction from hunger and unanswered prayers.
Unfortunately for Italians, this has also been a winter of unanswered prayers, in temporal precincts as well as celestial.
Douglas tied her agnosticism to her unanswered prayers when her mother was dying.
The Unanswered Prayer She published other books also.