One of the unambiguously positive changes in American life in recent years has been the dramatic reduction in crime.
Some are unambiguously positive, some mixed and some contingent on covariates:
Snyder may not be as brash as his enemies and his profile writers would like, but his influence on the Redskins has been unambiguously positive.
By comparison, the remaining twenty-one male characters are introduced in unambiguously positive terms.
One of them was unambiguously positive:
Cooperation with Russia can also be expected to play a very important, unambiguously positive role in the current severe economic crisis.
Equality is one of Europe's fundamental values, and it is an unambiguously positive value.
Parliament should adopt an unambiguously positive attitude towards the Schengen collaboration.
But at least these are acts, with an unambiguously positive outcome.
Undermining the status quo is an unambiguously positive act.