And the nonrenewal of most-favored-nation status would send an unambiguous signal.
But companies that have waited for an unambiguous, top-level signal from the African National Congress have been frustrated.
Stable prices will then allow the market mechanism to give clear, unambiguous signals of relative scarcities.
Circuitry that will convert the output from DOG filters into an unambiguous signal about the position of an edge.
However, searches for direct photon emission from the low-lying excited state have failed to report an unambiguous signal.
Free, unmetered Wi-Fi is one way the restaurant sends an unambiguous signal: Stay as long as you like.
A Government report then on producer prices spooked traders by giving an unambiguous signal of rising inflation.
The European Parliament should send out a clear and unambiguous political signal on this matter.
That would represent a clear and unambiguous signal.
A thin elastic line of a mouth, it can't help stretching into delightfully unambiguous signals of agony and ecstasy.