The term "Mopar" has passed into broader usage among car enthusiasts as an unambiguous reference to the parent company Chrysler Group LLC.
In Japan, the earliest unambiguous reference to a paper model is in a short poem by Ihara Saikaku in 1680 which describes paper butterflies in a dream.
The systematic name encodes the structure and composition of the caffeine molecule in some detail, and provides an unambiguous reference to this compound, whereas the name "caffeine" just names it.
Turkic penetration in the region started in the Khazar era, however there are no unambiguous references to settlements.
The first unambiguous reference to a viola d'amore without sympathetic strings does not occur until the 1730s.
The first unambiguous references to the predecessor of the church in Monti are to an "oratory of Sts.
The receiver must be able to resolve these unambiguous references, i.e., translate them into specific data that will allow it to obtain the location of that content in order to acquire it.
The first unambiguous reference to him is from the late 1530s, when Pierre Attaingnant published a collection of his chansons in Paris.
There were several unambiguous references to - the "king who must die" as the key to the "cycle of [restoration."
The passage was one of the clearest and most unambiguous references to the Antichrist in the entire Bible.