Tricks and Traps Wulfgar found himself in a square, unadorned room of worked stone.
But the story of the Camondo family comes to life in two small unadorned rooms on the top floor of this pristine mansion.
He is 89 now and lives in an unadorned room with a big wooden desk where he has written books about Mother Teresa.
Cyder lead the way to a private room up on the next floor, a small unadorned room with comfortable chairs and a crackling fire.
Most of their ancient, metal-bossed doors stood open, revealing small unadorned rooms that reminded me of Grandmother.
High-speed Internet access has been added in most rooms, but accommodations are basically the same thin, single mattress and unadorned room most graduates remember.
Upstairs, in a large, unadorned room with plastic chairs, a church service was in progress.
If the latter-" She gestured at the unadorned room.
Now they stood in a simple unadorned room, its lower walls studded with the glowing green emitters of a compact holoprojector system.
With tentative steps, Drizzt moved out from the shelter of his tiny, unadorned room.