With the abolition of the silver standard in most countries that begun in Germany in 1871 the unadjusted Chilean rate that had previously undervalued silver came to undervalue gold instead.
Because of such practices, the unadjusted rate typically jumps in January, but even so this increase was unusually high.
Eurostat said the seasonally unadjusted average jobless rate for nine member countries, excluding Spain, Portugal and Greece, fell to 11.2 percent in April, from 11.5 percent in March.
In January 1992, the unadjusted rate of unemployment for the Sheffield travel-to-work area was 11.4 per cent.
The unadjusted jobless rate, however, slipped to 9.9 percent in June from 10 percent in May.
The German Federal Labor Office reported today that the unadjusted rate of unemployment declined from 11.1 percent in April to 10.7 percent in March.
Statistics are reported as unadjusted monthly rates and seasonally adjusted annual rates.
Germany's Federal Labor Office said the unadjusted jobless rate rose to 10.1 percent in February.
The SAAR is calculated by dividing the unadjusted annual rate for the month by its seasonality factor and creating an adjusted annual rate for the month.
New York City's unadjusted rate fell to 10.5 percent from 11 percent.