Sometimes he appeared to be so far beyond the requirements of childhood that he seemed more a silent, soulful grown-up, one who had unaccountably lost the ability to speak.
But the manuscript of this treatise, after much pains had already been spent on it, was unaccountably lost at Nancy in 1872; and, though he hoped to be able speedily to reproduce the missing portion and finish the work, no material was left in a state fit for publication.
Weapons are delivered, but the necessary fuses, though promised, are unaccountably lost or delayed in transit.
Beynor realized that Kilian must have found out that most of the sigils and both magical books had been unaccountably lost by Felmar and Scarth.
Francesca makes an amazing toy-filled cloak for Isa from red velvet curtains, and in the story's denouement the little girl gives it to Santa Claus, who has unaccountably lost his coat.
All he knew was that he had pushed a button out somewhere near the Moon and that he had then awakened in a hospital after four months had been unaccountably lost.
In less than four hours, on the basis of photographs of the stolen objects, we located this apartment..." "But not the criminal, who is still in possession of a sable coat which you found once but have now unaccountably lost.
The pilot stood looking after them, feeling unaccountably lost, though she could not have said for certain why.
He'd been acquainted with several young ladies, and had taken them on many invigorating walks to see fascinating ironwork and interesting civic buildings until they'd unaccountably lost interest.
Only one passenger per billion is unaccountably lost.