However, as the third director of the ensemble, he also modified the tradition of programming exclusively unaccompanied music.
The album comprised eight tracks of unaccompanied and improvised music played on prepared guitars.
He has composed over 60 works including unaccompanied and chamber music, symphonic works and opera.
By most measures this was a strange event: frustratingly short, the music unaccompanied by film clips or any other images.
Clearing comprises eleven tracks of unaccompanied and improvised music played on prepared guitars by Frith.
They may perform in unaccompanied music, dance, or wayang performances.
In addition to the major choral and orchestral concerts outlined above, unaccompanied music has not been neglected.
According to The Times, this choir "held the palm among London societies for finished singing of unaccompanied music, both ancient and modern".
These pieces are unaccompanied sacred vocal music written for use in the great royal and noble chapels of northern Europe.
The group particularly specializes in unaccompanied music of the Renaissance and 20th-21st century music that resonates with the Anglican choral tradition.