His unaccented voice was almost as sweet as his scent.
Morad Ghadoomian had a pleasant, unaccented voice, sounded prepared for the call.
The man stepped forward, went on one knee before the Throne, and began reciting a report in a dispassionate and unaccented voice.
A deep, unaccented voice cracked the silence in the room.
The actress used her newly unaccented voice to great effect in her next film, "St. Elmo's Fire."
Unhurried, unaccented middle-range voices are best, neither too high or too low, the range and pace of typical television anchors.
Her clothes, her husky, unaccented voice and her bright, sassy conversational style contradict the classic image of the tormented Southern writer.
People hearing his clear, unaccented American voice for the first time almost always looked dazed, as if hearing a particularly good piece of ventriloquism.
"Good afternoon," he said in the totally unaccented voice of a radio weatherman.
The radio hummed, and then Rascasse's unaccented and unechoing voice said, "How did you work it, the maschinchen thing?"