Chrysander's biography of Händel, unabridged text (in German)
The complete unabridged text has been republished several times in edited commentaries.
The first ever verse translation of the unabridged text of Book Two, with an introduction and explanatory notes.
Albers, J. Interaction of color: unabridged text and selected plates.
A facsimile of the Beardsley edition, complete with Malory's unabridged text, was published in the 1990s.
The unabridged text of the acts of the council, especially of the discourses delivered in the general congregations, was laid before the public.
(Includes the unabridged text of Humphry Davy's 1802 paper.)
It is the unabridged 1951 text, but the title is changed into The Social Roots of Discrimination.
Besides the complete and unabridged text, each book included a brief, unsigned biographical article about the author.
This edition contains the complete and unabridged texts of the original editions.