In either case, they buy ultrasound equipment because such machines are among the most profitable medical equipment available.
Eager to make the practice a success, Sarah sells her car to pay for the ultrasound equipment.
And over the last 18 months, they have started major fund-raising campaigns to outfit Christian crisis pregnancy centers with ultrasound equipment.
Now, the latest ultrasound equipment takes real-time, moving, three-dimensional pictures and adds color to them.
It was about 10 minutes later, when he leaned around the screen of the ultrasound equipment to announce "Intombazana!"
Investigators searched for the boat using ultrasound equipment but did not recover it.
He also plans to introduce advanced technology to the training room, including ultrasound equipment for deep muscle massage.
Depending on the test results, if we want a closer look, the hospital is set up with the ultrasound equipment we'll want for this.
Doc North put the railings down so he could get the ultrasound equipment and himself close enough.
The lean meat content of the carcasses is measured by using ultrasound equipment on live animals.