In this case, the ultrasonic beam is not reflected, and the Trilobite will gently bump into the object.
This time difference is a measure for the average velocity of the fluid along the path of the ultrasonic beam.
To generate a 2D-image, the ultrasonic beam is swept.
The ultrasonic beam allows detection of metal loss from the inside and outside of the tube wall.
It used an ultrasonic beam, outside the range of human hearing, to turn a set on or off or change the channel.
Self-focusing refers to the narrowing of the ultrasonic beam in the near-field.
When the ultrasonic beam hit the heart structure, an image came together on a screen.
"For that matter, the ultrasonic beam could cause a crash."
In fact, my company is working on a method of rooting out rats from buildings by the use of ultrasonic sound beams.
High-resolution photoacoustic imaging with focused laser and ultrasonic beams.