At the other end of the spectrum from the Russians in Netanyahu's coalition are the ultra-Orthodox religious parties.
It failed when the ultra-Orthodox parties backed out on the deal.
Shas, an ultra-Orthodox party that lost the Interior Ministry, immediately began to complain.
He fiercely opposed the ultra-orthodox political parties and actively sought to exclude any religious observance from the legal structure of the Israeli State.
If that happens, it will move past Shas, an ultra-Orthodox Sephardic party that took a decade to come into its own.
Mr. Sharon, however, remains eager to try to bring in another ultra-Orthodox party, Shas.
Sfarad's guards (of the Torah)) is an ultra-orthodox religious political party in Israel.
Israeli commentators said that the plan posed one of the most serious political challenges ultra-Orthodox parties have faced in Israel.
In the meantime, I am hoping for a Barak-led coalition that excludes the ultra-Orthodox parties.
We agreed with the Labor Party," he said, "but have problems with an ultra-Orthodox party.