"There's still the possibility of ultimate redemption no matter what deals you already made with the devil."
She has recounted a remarkable human drama, one of struggle, betrayal and ultimate redemption.
He agreed with Babbitt and hoped for my ultimate redemption.
The African landscape is awash with a class of leadership whose revolutionary songs were about ultimate redemption of the masses.
No, if there's any ultimate redemption, it will be because I passed through your life without scarring you, and did not diminish who you are.
But a giving love is the ultimate redemption.
You are the embodiment of faith in ultimate redemption.
In that work, first published in 1943, he makes a case for the rebuilding of the land of Israel bringing about the ultimate redemption.
The book contains the classic Cronin features of human weakness and failure with ultimate redemption.
Daly knows that winning is the ultimate redemption.