He brought the knife up, as if considering its ultimate merit, and brought it flashing down, suddenly held very business-like, indeed.
The construction of a pagoda is deemed equal to the preaching of the Lotus gospel in its ultimate religious merit.
"I want to consult with a lot of people about what our options are, including people who may disagree with me about the ultimate merits."
The element of exploitation in Mr. Sierra's work is disturbing, and its ultimate merit as art is debatable.
Since then, almost every discussion about Bordeaux has been based more on their investment potential than on their ultimate merit in the glass.
Many have won amnesty; some have not, and the country itself is still not of one mind as to the ultimate merit of a process that has answered many questions but offered little justice.
Whatever its ultimate merits, Liber Amoris provided ample ammunition for Hazlitt's detractors, and even some of his closest friends were scandalised.
Whatever the ultimate merits of his thesis, Monday's premiere was a sterling example of that very process.
However, the ultimate merit of this approach is revealed when all the elements in the transmission chain are attuned to the 1,125-line standard.