But for Vinnie, Pipino's wife represents the ultimate ideal of a woman - subservient, silent, submissive.
She embodies the ultimate feminine ideals of strength, wisdom, beauty, stature and dignity, and is a leader among women.
Pentagon officials and military contractors say the ultimate ideal of unmanned warfare is combat without casualties.
The ultimate ideal of the martial art and pumsae can be found in this state.
Built upon ten thousand years in which men had been taught that charity and self-sacrifice are an absolute not to be questioned, the touchstone of virtue, the ultimate ideal.
It argues that libertarians should advocate radical change and hold to the ultimate ideal of abolition of all invasions of liberty.
Now in bodily ills there is none of this difference about the ultimate ideal.
Ms. Stewart might more profitably have investigated the blonde, as the ultimate ideal of beauty, and the power she exerts on the collective American imagination.
The ultimate ideal of beauty in Greece was a young, muscular male.
He was the proponent of liberty as the ultimate ideal.