To youngsters whose main outdoor activity from an early age consisted of stoning Israeli Army jeeps, bombers are the ultimate heroes.
We ask only that you allow our schools to take you on as a mascot and ultimate hero!
And it's Zorro, the ultimate sword-fighting hero.
But for Joe Carter, all the pinches in the world still can't snap the ultimate hero of the 1993 World Series to reality.
'R' is the hero's ultimate and can only be leveled up when the hero reached level 6.
He was a man who needed to have someone to whom he could look for direction and purpose-and good politicians were his ultimate heroes, regardless of their nationality.
Good guy or bad guy, depending on your perspective, the ultimate postmodern hero.
Conversely, Olympic athletes, those quadrennial, prime-time wonders, are the ultimate disposable heroes, conveniently purged from the public consciousness.
The ultimate hero!
"Nikita is really the ultimate reluctant hero," he adds.