You, Father Gomez, are our ultimate guarantee that if that falls through, the infernal powers will still not prevail.
It is the ultimate guarantee that citizens in the United States will remain free.
Britain's credible and effective independent nuclear deterrent is the ultimate guarantee of our security.
Still, demanding Bible-free hotel rooms must be close to the ultimate guarantee of satisfaction if rejection is what you seek in life.
The Secretary of State said that Trident was the ultimate guarantee of our security.
The army cannot be the ultimate guarantee for democracy, so far-reaching reforms are called for here.
It's the ultimate used-book killer (and the ultimate guarantee I'll have a job forever).
When society fails, the nation appears as the ultimate guarantee.
Once again, 'the nation', or the ethnic group, 'appears as the ultimate guarantee' when society fails.
The ultimate guarantee of the 11th Amendment is that nonconsenting states may not be sued by private individuals in federal court.