The ultimate competitor to the California Trail showed up in 1869 when the First Transcontinental Railroad was completed.
Do not think that Flutie, the ultimate competitor, isn't looking to even the score.
He's the ultimate competitor.
"Nolan was the ultimate competitor," the former first baseman said.
It's a new challenge for the ultimate competitor; saloon car racing for the Peugeot team.
But one of pro football's ultimate competitors would talk, shill really, for the ultimate farce in sports entertainment: pro wrestling.
It was either an act of the ultimate competitor not wanting to give up or an irresponsible, emotional decision.
"He's the ultimate competitor, and that's more why he was frustrated," Coach Lawrence Frank said of Martin at Tuesday morning's shoot-around.
She's the ultimate self-made competitor, a chemically "sun streaked" miss who rid herself of both pounds and ethnic identity to please pageant judges.
Is ultra-runner James Zarei the ultimate competitor?