It suggests that whatever the future of this present may hold, it does not deviate so radically from mine that ultimate catastrophe cannot be avoided.
But a mole in [ that ] division was unspeakable, the ultimate catastrophe.
The team called an expanded survey "a modest investment to provide insurance for our planet against the ultimate catastrophe."
Whereas civil war was the ultimate catastrophe.
But the ultimate catastrophe was the murder of his heir George by his younger son Freeman.
It was the token of the ultimate catastrophe to life that was wrapped and twisted into every fibre of his heredity.
But to Neal Cloud the accident was the ultimate catastrophe.
But it said asteroid impacts posed "a significant hazard to life and property" and called for an international effort "to provide insurance for our planet against the ultimate catastrophe."
The official leadership of the PLO would regard such a mistake as the ultimate catastrophe.
Any delay could result in the ultimate catastrophe.