And it is to those laws that we perhaps owe the ultimate allegiance.
However, Lamberton came from a family associated with the Balliol-Comyn faction and his ultimate allegiances are unknown.
Calling Woods a corporado whose ultimate allegiance is to the conglomerates whose products he endorses brought several interesting responses.
But to whom does he have his ultimate allegiance as a journalist?
We need officials whose ultimate allegiance is to the fairness, integrity and professionalism of the election process, not to helping one party or the other gain political advantage.
But doubts remain here about the ultimate allegiances of the military high command.
In between these extremes, science and religion, as different approaches to understanding the universe, remain rivals for the ultimate allegiance of many educated people.
Your ultimate allegiance must always be to the country in which you settle.
"We find out who Sandler's ultimate allegiance was to, and we find out how much our postwar networks have been compromised."
We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.