The book concludes by highlighting Kaylie's innocence and her ultimate abandonment, but her fate is not made clear.
She explains that in Saudi society, women's emancipation is viewed as the most drastic and dangerous form of Westernization: the ultimate abandonment of tradition and Arab culture.
"The ultimate abandonment."
Rumors were that the marital disintegration resulted from her husband's decades' long philandering and ultimate abandonment.
Clearly, the chronically encroaching sands caused the decline of the manor and ultimate abandonment of the castle.
Author Weiner criticizes the imperious insertion of American power and the ultimate abandonment of America's Hmong allies in 1975.
What will that tell the Afghan people, except to signal ultimate abandonment?
Lee had a horror of suicide; to him it seemed the ultimate abandonment of responsibility.
April brought a kind of madness to the country folk, and began that disuse of the road past Nahum's which led to its ultimate abandonment.
Therefore, I do not understand the voices of the Left which are talking about another tax on nuclear energy and the ultimate abandonment of this type of energy source.