An ulcer treatment, moreover, might prevent the relapses that are so common.
Ranitidine (300 mg daily) was chosen since it is currently the most widely used ulcer treatment.
The promotions resemble the selling of ulcer treatments and cholesterol-lowering medications.
But no manufacturer makes drugs in every therapeutic category, from antidepressants to ulcer treatments.
Glaxo is the maker of the world's best-selling drug, the ulcer treatment Zantac.
The bland diets that in the past were part of ulcer treatment are no longer required.
In 1884 he introduced a new method of surgical peptic ulcer treatment using Gastroenterostomy.
In medical trials, the "skin spray" proved over 20% more effective than other ulcer treatments.
Psychology dropped out of the picture; relaxation was out for ulcer treatment, and antibiotics were in.
If the tactic is effective, the sale of the popular ulcer treatments could suffer.