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Here is the good, the bad and the ugly of the 1994 season.
Better call for help now, he thought, before things got ugly.
I could tell by the ugly sound in his voice.
And so she turned just as the ugly man came up behind her.
Come around to the front so you can put your ugly head inside.
The ugly one was in here last night, first time.
But how will you feel when I'm old and ugly?
I've seen a lot of ugly men in my day.
So back to the good, the bad and the ugly.
Any other woman would call you ugly, but not me.
But she never wanted to stay around once things got really ugly.
"You are not the only one here who can look an ugly death in the face."
Well, let's get the ugly question out of the way first.
And the way it happened was kind of ugly, too.
The only thing ugly about them, often, was their feet.
She said the reason was to keep the meeting from getting ugly.
But what about against people who just happen to be ugly?
Can get ugly late at night - in a good way.
He had to find another way past this ugly moment.
I mean, if a woman was old or ugly, could you love her?
She wanted to share what had happened with the ugly man.
I'm not sure what they called me, but it must have been ugly.
So he was getting ugly about having no chance to get even.
How will I ever feel at home in this ugly, dark place?
They were ugly already, and thus did not need to be made so.