Perhaps, they said, such talk would only feed an ugly racial stereotype.
While many residents feel a sense of pride in the series, others, especially politicians, have complained that it plays to ugly stereotypes about Italians as thuggish criminals.
Shmrri wrote: "There is no ugly Christian stereotype that I haven't seen in action, so it's really hard for me to imagine Christians who aren't vicious"
But they had serious concerns about me leaving home and especially going to America with the ugly stereotypes of permissive women.
The group called every Arab or Muslim character in the movie "an ugly stereotype" and said that the film would be given the group's "Intolerance Award."
Or was the lazy, jive-talking persona he institutionalized just an ugly stereotype?
Worse, white incompetence is always an individual matter, but for blacks it is often confirmation of ugly stereotypes.
When such material was used, it was to attack long-standing and ugly stereotypes.
He is still depicted in ugly racial stereotypes by unthinking fans and provincial journalists, but more of us cringe at the stupidities now.
The answer is, more and more often, as the melting pot increasingly obliterates the ugly stereotype that portrays Italian-Americans as mobsters.