With the back of one hand, he struck the leader's face, turning it an ugly red.
The top of his head had been burnt by the sun and the skin had turned an ugly, cancerous red.
Becky peeked into the room and saw that her daddy's face was swollen and ugly red.
The man who was next in line did not meet Mykel's eyes, and his aura held streaks of an ugly red.
Astor's face turned a deep and ugly red.
Blood splashed across the back of the sofa, staining its richly colored fabric an ugly red.
His face an ugly, dark red, Caramon aimed a clumsy blow at one.
Wylie's face underwent an instant transformation at the word "puppy," turning a deep, ugly red.
The policeman flushed an ugly and embarrassed red.
Jenny Demos' face slowly turned an ugly red.