The ugly 108-83 loss to the Nets on Friday quickly became old news.
They're now 0-3 after an ugly 79-62 loss at Denver (8-2) on Saturday.
The ugliest loss of the three was by Carolina, though that was probably to be expected.
The ugly loss gave the Mets a 3-5 record on this road trip, which ends here Sunday, and a 16-25 mark over all.
One ugly loss hardly changes how secure they have made themselves.
"We'll have to circle the wagons, because the Jets are coming off an ugly loss and we know they'll be fired up."
But last night, they decided to play 60 minutes of dominant hockey and the poor Washington Capitals had to eat an ugly 5-2 loss.
There have always been occasional ugly losses in every high school sport, including girls' basketball.
There have been plenty of ugly losses during the Mets' young season.
He and a few teammates wandered back across the boardwalk for what turned out to be an ugly loss.