On the contrary, he became a ubiquitous figure on college campuses: "Angels in America" earned him a portable pulpit.
Alan Lomax is a nearly ubiquitous figure in American folklore and music.
She is a ubiquitous figure in the neighborhood.
The ubiquitous Umbrian golden figure representing the wind can be painted from one to three times on a coffee cup, either very well or very badly.
Genial, bearded, sometimes topping 300 pounds and known to some friends as Jumbo, Mr. Hirt was a ubiquitous figure in his hometown.
Prince Andrew, 27, and his wife, the Duchess of York, are ubiquitous figures on the social scene.
Seemed to Be Everywhere From the 1930's onward, Mr. Schneider was a ubiquitous figure in the music world.
Even grown ups seemed to be a little afraid of that ubiquitous figure.
Twenty-five years after Elvis Presley's death, he remains a ubiquitous figure, in music and in merchandising.
Despite a certain amount of critical success, he remained overshadowed by the ubiquitous figure of his former classmate, Horowitz.