There is a further twist to the story in that Tom learns to forgive his tyrannical master, Grimes, whose soul, too, is saved.
He was not one of the tyrannical masters who could drive their workers to the desperate step of running off to the Tribes.
I am freed at last from a tyrannical master, said the wise and happy Sophocles.
Including Roster, they found 10 mutants altogether who were soon willing to switch allegiance from the tyrannical mutant master and join Rhodan's mutant corps.
Noa meets two "missionaries", and with their help escapes from its tyrannical master.
Falkland's neighbour, Barnabas Tyrrel, was a tyrannical master who oppressed and manipulated his tenants.
But there exists a freedom underground - proud rebels who would defy their tyrannical masters to be free men.
And when my father died I could hardly consider it other than a blessing, for he had never shown himself a father, but always only as a harsh, tyrannical master to me.
Moreover, it belonged to the padrone, and however innocent Phil might be as regarded its destruction, his tyrannical master was sure to call him to heavy account for it.
Tell your tyrannical master, I do only beseech him to dismiss the Lady Rowena in honour and safety.