But just a couple of these a day as snacks, and on a typical woman's 1,500-to-1,800-calorie diet there won't be much room left for food.
First she had the typical woman's response, that her hair was in curlers.
And I consider myself more assertive than the typical woman.
At which point she stopped being a typical modern young woman.
At least I was until you accused me of being a typical woman.
The typical woman has different needs and desires on different days.
The study finds that, on the whole, women living in most major metro areas are doing better than the typical American woman.
Even though the work they involve is demanding, typical women's jobs are badly paid.
But in Japan, you are always expected to be a typical Japanese woman.
In the 1960's, the typical developing-world woman gave birth to six live children; today, the figure is four.