The program, however, is a significant departure from typical practice in how the government acquires Americans' financial records.
A typical practice of reheating the sausage is to just fry it in a pan.
Shouldn't they be using better than "typical" anti-malware practices, especially with sensitive info?
For a typical practice the payment was £77.50 per point in 2004/5 and £124.60 in subsequent years.
It is a typical practice to age the awamori for a longer period of time.
But as owners have upgraded their properties, the typical practice has been to remove them.
A typical practice is to plant beans, corn, and potatoes together in the same furrows.
"I can't imagine a situation where somebody in a typical office-based practice would pose a risk."
Such trials in the communist regime were quite common and a typical practice of suppressing the right to free speech.
The typical practice of the time was to strap the blades onto the boot.