Ritual archery served as a counterpoint to the typical portrayal of archers, who were often skillful but brash.
In addition, Phil's portrayal of a suffering alcoholic was also seen as realistic and a "typical portrayal of bottled-up masculinity".
The festival's mission is "to commission and showcase films by emerging artists that tell Miami stories going beyond the typical portrayal of a beautiful but vapid party town, forging the cinematic identity of the city."
Their relationship was a typical portrayal of unrequited love on Tiffany's side and was fraught with tragedy and drama.
While the statue may look like any other Buddha to a casual observer, experts note a number of peculiarities which distinguish it from a typical portrayal of the Buddha.
Norman Bates is not the typical portrayal of a chronically mentally ill individual or of a psychopath.
According to B.Elman, many Han Learning proponents were involved in opposition to Heshen's clique (1746-99), thus suggesting that typical portrayal of this group as apolitical should be reconsidered.
The poem's attitude toward this temptation seems ambiguous, since the happy ending offers the possibility of redemption for Laura, while typical Victorian portrayals of the "fallen woman" ended in the fallen woman's death.
Cat's character is the opposite of her typical portrayal in the media: she is pursuing two socially conscious degrees and served in the Peace Corps.