Contrast this with a typical experiment at a large accelerator like Fermilab.
In a typical experiment, half of the subjects will be excluded from the activity after a few tosses and never get the ball again.
A typical experiment designed to study the N400 will usually involve the visual presentation of words, either in sentence or list contexts.
In a typical experiment, the chance of getting a less likely result is no more than 50%.
In a typical experiment, the participant is either alone or among a group of other participants or confederates.
In a typical experiment, seminary students agreed to give a talk on the importance of helping those in need.
In a typical experiment Pavlov would sound a bell when bringing a dog its food.
Just a bit over half of the typical experiments result in an atom getting caught in the trap and being available for further studies.
In typical scientific experiments, treatment and control groups are selected through random assignment.
With only one exception, all Bell test experiments to date have been affected by this problem, and a typical optical experiment has around 5-30% efficiency.