Still, he added with typical bravado, "no obstacle, nothing the Americans could do, would stop us in the long run."
Dr. Karadzic, who is 50 years old, confronted the crisis with typical bravado.
With the typical bravado of the invader, he says humanity is doomed beneath the seaweed, and tries to gas the Doctor with his breath.
With typical bravado, Bennett quickly went on the offensive.
With typical bravado Hot Rod and Hardhead insisted on heading to assist Prime's unit in stopping Megatron.
And with his typical bravado, the mayor sharply criticized state and federal officials late last week when they threatened - however briefly - to hold up his campaign.
And reaching outside the county, he is vowing, with his typical bravado, to single-handedly revive the Catskills.
With typical bravado, Middelhoff has vowed repeatedly that Napster will convert to subscriptions by July 1 - If not, it should be shut down," he said.
Asked once whether he was one of the better journalists in China, he responded with typical bravado, "I am the best."
With typical bravado, Armstrong bolted to the front with 40 miles to go.