All together, the four typewriter companies supplied 1,200 jobs to Syracuse area residents by 1905.
By the late 1950s a wave of Japanese machines forced most North American typewriter companies to cease business, but Tramiel instead turned to adding machines.
Some cynics think this weakness keeps typewriter companies in business.
For example, Smith Corona, the last American typewriter company, is discharging 875 of 1,300 employees and moving production to Mexico.
On the face of it, the deal makes little sense for Olivetti, the former typewriter company that has reinvented itself in recent years as a provider of phone service.
The defector had got himself a job as a repair mechanic for a typewriter company in Cologne.
The children, with their great promise, are these families' Microsoft before Windows, their I.B.M. when it was just a typewriter company.
The professional contests had typists sponsored by typewriter companies to advertise their machines.
Seamans presided over the acquisition of the Wahl Adding Machine Company, which made Union the world's largest typewriter company.