These annual visits had the twofold effect of enhancing the international prestige of the grandduchy while socially rehabilitating Alexander's morganatic household.
Nutrient supply - Nutrient supply has a twofold effect on plant growth.
So the twofold effect is to ensure the less fatal form of the disease is the one caught, and to give the immune system the best start possible in combating it.
Tweaks aside, the twofold effects of the School Lunch Act are much the same now as 60 years ago.
"It has a twofold effect," he says.
The loans will have a twofold effect on the National Gallery.
The rise of the automobile in the 1910s and 1920s had a twofold effect on the University-Cultural Center area.
And having older people on campus, he said, has a twofold effect.
It records the twofold effect of every business transaction.
"Increased customer demand has had a twofold effect on refining, marketing and transportation," he said.