UWED has completed the transition to a comprehensive system of education, offering five-year degree programs at the undergraduate and two-year training at graduate levels.
A two-year vocational training for musicians is offered at the academy Burg Fürsteneck in Germany.
Each of the companies pays a fee of £225,000 for a three-year period: the two-year training and preparation period and the nine-month duration of the race.
Hinetitama is trained in the Anglican Mission Hospital as a nurse and shortly after she completes her two-year training she leaves the hospital to work among the Auckland poor.
In partnership with the Entertainment Technology Program, the Theatre and Dance Programs set out to offer students two-year training in the performing arts after the model of a four-year conservatory.
This schedule allows enrolled students to continue working throughout the course and thus provides an experience closer to that of the full-time two-year training, which is also scheduled in the evenings and weekends.
As with the other short courses, the summer course can also serve as a more thorough audition process for the two-year training.
All courses are extremely popular and well reviewed, and the majority of the students undertaking the two-year training now come through that channel.
The two-year advanced training leads to a commission ship in the Philippine Navy.
Moreover, a two and a half years residency programme leads to MCPS while a two-year training of DOMS is also being offered.