During the two-year session of Parliament's lower house that ended in 1999, a dozen legislative aides were murdered.
Some measures were deferred to this year in states with two-year legislative sessions, but nearly all died in committee.
This happens, on average, less than once per two-year Congressional session.
But every year he invited three degree students into his home for an intensive two-year session of lectures, research and intellectual meditation.
The Secretary is elected by majority vote of the Senators for each two-year session.
Members of the House cast about 1000 votes during a two-year session of Congress.
Those votes ended a two-year session in which lawmakers took action on an assortment of pressing issues.
Former legislative staff members would be prohibited from such dealings only until the end of the two-year session in which they served.
It can vote anytime before the end of this two-year legislative session in December.
Many thousands of bills are introduced in Congress during each two-year session.