Of course, recounting a 116-country, two-year, 152,000-mile journey would be unmanageable if each separate land merited its own lengthy dissertation.
Packing for a weekend excursion is a whole lot different than packing for a two-year journey.
We follow six young heroin-dependant people on a two-year journey.
He had recently returned from a two-year journey to the Far East and was considered the leading German expert on chinoiserie.
Rubí's two-year journey, beginning in early 1766, covered seven thousand miles from the Gulf of California to East Texas.
Hattie squeezed William's arm, knowing he grieved deeply for the only companion of his two-year journey.
I had reached the culmination of my nearly two-year journey.
ISS sees the two-year journey to the public examinations as a nebulous one for many pupils, especially those from the working class.
I really cared about her, and I think her two-year journey has been so full of different emotions".
This has been a two-year journey in which the girls have worked so hard.