After a two-year delay, voting for the presidential elections finally took place in late June 2010.
Agreement on the bill was reached, after a two-year delay, in the closing days of the 99th Congress.
Currently, reserves are increased after a two-year delay in payments.
He said some research showed a two-year delay in the impact of investments on productivity numbers.
Employees say they do not understand how mere complexity could have caused a two-year delay.
Meteor said the two-year delay had cost the company $113 million.
The two-year delay in reinstatement will give him one shot at being elected by the writers.
The number of American lives lost by the two-year delay may never be known.
However, there was a two-year delay until the album's release in 1982.
The work will start in November after a two-year delay to raise the $11.5 million needed for structural support and other improvements.