But others found the rapprochement - the culmination of a two-year diplomatic campaign - unseemly.
The design was the result of a two-year campaign sparked by a letter to County News from two readers keen to raise the county's profile.
The Jamaa has waged a two-year campaign to overthrow the government in which nearly 400 people have been killed.
The votes on Monday ended a two-year campaign to bring the measure to the floor.
After a two-year campaign, the Saudis were crushed and most of the Saudi family was captured.
Earlier, the Fed had indicated that it might pause in its two-year campaign of raising rates.
Boreman was key in the two-year campaign for a cemetery in the state.
Philip Morris is spending $60 million for a two-year image-lifting campaign.
The two-year campaign to topple the Mubarak Government has cost the lives of at least 290 people by official count.
Thus, the two-year campaign to help bring more sanitary ways of living to this village was considered to be largely unsuccessful.