So, the judge granted him a two-week extension.
At a court hearing, Eastern got a two-week extension, until July 21, to file its plan.
Olmert had an initial period of 28 days to form a governing coalition, with a possible two-week extension.
Israeli law allows 28 days to form a new government, with an optional two-week extension.
A previous two-week extension of the usual six-month program led Iraq to stop exporting oil.
It won her a two-week extension in housing court, then helped her negotiate the welfare bureaucracy.
An earlier two-week extension led to a cutoff of exports.
We were given a two-week extension.
The landing - the spacecraft bumped into the asteroid at a mere 4 miles per hour - led to a two-week extension for the mission.
After that, his lawyers can ask for a third two-week extension, or prosecutors may seek an indictment and negotiations will continue.