Unlike food processors, food retailing is a two-tier market in which a small number of very large companies control a large proportion of supermarkets.
Mr. Wachtel described New Jersey's arts lovers as "a two-tier market."
According to Mr. Barry, the cruise industry is now "a classic two-tier market: haves and have-nots."
For some, the technology rally is creating a worrisome two-tier market.
In a two-tier market, units in condominiums away from the water sell in the $600,000 to $700,000 range.
This disparity is indicative of "a very skewed two-tier market," said John E. Sheehan.
The so-called two-tier market, which consumer nations in the coffee organization also strongly condemn, involves sales to nonmembers at discounts from member prices.
It would be hard for police to create such a two-tier market in cities already overrun by cocaine.
Stamford today is a two-tier market, with smaller, price-conscious companies looking at a fair amount of available space on Summer Street.
Unless the organization can find a way to end the two-tier market, Washington has said it will not join a new agreement.