He was unable to perform a full-length show on the final night of a two-night sold-out run but put in a 40-minute appearance nonetheless.
The Patchogue Theater for the Performing Arts is calling its new show, which opens a two-night run on Tuesday, a "Holiday Hop."
News of the sudden cancellation is no laughing matter for the hundreds of fans who bought tickets for his two-night run at the Rialto.
The dance, which ended a two-night run at the New York State Theater yesterday, is a study in disintegration.
More successful was the two-night run of an original movie, "Intensity," which greatly elevated Fox's ratings on Tuesday and Wednesday night of last week.
The company - 14 and 12 performers on earlier tours, 10 on Thursday - was at the Japan Society for a two-night run.
Originally funded by Kickstarter for a two-night run in October 2011, the play has been extended twice due to popular demand and will continue into 2013.
His Thursday show at Roseland, the second of a two-night run, blended many influences without pointing too strongly at any one.
In anticipation of this year s New Year s two-night run at Tupelo Music Hall, we are going to be releasing one...
And in a two-night run that starts on Thursday, Nels Cline revisits music from "New Monastery," his fine recent tribute to the pianist Andrew Hill.