The two-month extension, through July 17, would raise the current $2.3 trillion debt ceiling by $20 billion.
An additional $19 billion, it is estimated, will be necessary to pay for the two-month extension.
Most people, when you look at a two-month extension, it's not possible to do, and it doesn't work.
The insurer has offered a two-month extension for $400, which many workers have paid, some with help from the union.
Tomorrow, the Senate will take up and pass a two-month extension of the middle.
It wants a two-month extension of the current round of sales.
Learn more about why a two-month extension is bad for workers.
We've insisted on a change to the Senate's bill that will minimize the damage of a two-month extension to small businesses.
The Senate offered a different solution, adopting a two-month extension of the payroll tax credit and promising to address the issue again next year.
The two-month extension of the payroll tax holiday will save 160 million middle-class American families from a $1000 increase in their taxes.