The remaining teams left, staggered by two-minute intervals, until the last departed at 4:36 pm.
Several weeks ago, I started sneezing at one in the morning and didn't stop until five, with not more than a two-minute interval between sneezes.
Behind him, at two-minute intervals, the rest of the team followed.
I'm continuing to send the message you requested at two-minute intervals.
The racers started the time trial at two-minute intervals, with Armstrong last.
But Trevize "told" it and then asked for a two-minute interval before the jump.
Back at the starting line, teams continued to take off at two-minute intervals.
Others in the field of 63 followed at two-minute intervals.
For one rare two-minute interval, a strong wave pattern got through.
The first competitor leaves at 10:02 and the rest follow, separated by two-minute intervals.