One is primarily for use in small two-man tents.
The guards slept in two-man tents, except for two who stood guard all night.
When they were done, they had a flat spot of ground large enough for a two-man sleeping tent and a cooking area.
Wayne sat huddled with Ishihara alone in a small two-man tent.
They unpacked their saddle rolls, began setting up the small, two-man tents carried by half the patrol.
Crammed four across in the two-man tent, we waited for the storm to pass.
At night we slept in the snug space of our two-man tent.
And with the birders living in tiny two-man tents, the family's semipermanent shelter was the only spot for them all to gather.
The two-man tents were claustrophobic, and toilet facilities consisted of the nearest available bush.
The blue two-man tent in the middle of the floor was still holding out.