I'm lookin' for the two-legged variety.
"I am a pure-blooded Pomeranian, two-legged variety."
There are no hounds in this hunt, and the fox is of the two-legged variety.
Most of the decorations are of the two-legged variety, well-built young women wearing white-and-gold outfits cut low in front and high behind.
They had begun to get used to the smaller two-legged variety, and to the much larger kind that chuffed and shambled along on three limbs as often as two.
We waited with breath held as the names of all the actors of the two-legged variety had scrolled by.
Dogs of the two-legged variety took up the bay after him to trap him or tree him or sound him for the hunters.
"Particularly when you consider the two-legged variety we're dealing with."
I didn't realize that at first, but then I realized that some people consider nuts not only the kind that grow on trees, but also the two-legged variety.
Ms. Parker knows her South Florida flora and fauna, especially the two-legged variety.