The high-school program focuses on the Humane Letters Seminar, a daily two-hour course combining history, philosophy, theology and literature.
Introductory two-hour courses are held Monday to Saturday from 10am to noon between June and September (adult €25).
In the end, I'm not sure how much I actually learned from the two-hour, $40 course.
The Westchester Arts Workshop at the County Center in White Plains offers children 6 through 13 a variety of two-hour courses once a week.
With everyone trained in the two-hour course of "Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect," we would have many fewer child fatalities.
"It's like a sport, you have to train hard," said Marie de Tilly, a rail-thin expert on manners, who teaches a two-hour course in Paris to women who pay $90 to attend.
Though the teaching of Hebrew was his primary tasking at Colgate, he developed a two-hour course in the history of Babylonia and Assyria.
Non-diving guests can get a free, introductory two-hour course during the winter season.
A two-hour course covers arrangements for all occasions, incuding intimate dinners and wedding receptions; window boxes with aromatic or medicinal plants; and unusual materials like branches or common wildflowers.
When no amount of exhorting worked, I acted on my threat and enrolled them in a two-hour course on table manners at the Kings supermarket in Short Hills.