You cannot register two-dimensional designs such as textile patterns, wallpaper designs, or graphic design and they do not have automatic design right.
His breastplate sported a multicolored and severely two-dimensional design of an eagle, while the eagle's skull itself crowned his helm.
The better mousetrap was now a rather nice two-dimensional design, squashed into the middle of an enormous footprint.
It is an element of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design and is distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties.
These options include drawing and painting skills, two-dimensional design, ceramics, fabric crafts, and fashion.
For a two-dimensional design space concerns creating the illusion of a third dimension on a flat surface:
Starting in 2002, the Tubbs design team came up with 12 two-dimensional designs; a focus group of snowshoers then reviewed them.
Redpath is probably best known for her still lifes where familiar household objects - a chair, a cup - are made into a "two-dimensional" design.
Raack taught drawing, painting, and two-dimensional design for seven years at Interlochen Center for the Arts.
They are bolted together to render the two-dimensional, text design in three-dimensional form.